Week 1 - Camp NaNoWriMo on The Veranda

Camp NaNoWriMo on The Veranda kicked off just a few days ago. On Day One, we asked you about your goals and your snack preferences and had a blast reading your answers!

Now that we've all had a few days to start (or procrastinate on) our goals, how do you feel about the goals you set? Are you satisfied with them? Do you want to change or adjust any of them?

Approaching large projects can feel daunting, but when we break our goals down week by week and day by day, we find ways to achieve them incrementally. For example, NaNoWrimo breaks down the 50K words into 1,666 words per day for 30 days. Camp NaNoWriMo is more self-directed, which means we can set non-word count goals like page count or time written per day.

Activity for Week 1:

  1. Starting today (July 4th), we have exactly 28 days to meet our Camp NaNoWriMo goals. Think about how non-word count goals can help you with the larger goals you set on Day One. Share in the comments if you feel comfortable.

  2. Where do you write best? Do you have a preferred time, place, or environment?

  3. Has the pandemic changed any of your writing habits?

Bonus: If you feel comfortable, share something related to your writing with us. It can be anything. Your revised goals, an excerpt from your work, or even a shower thought!

Check out the NaNoWriMo site for some more ideas on non word count goal setting.


Week 2 - Camp NaNoWriMo on The Veranda


Day 1 - Camp NaNoWriMo on The Veranda